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Our Accreditations

LSQA Middle East holds the requisite accreditations and affiliations that producers, manufacturers and businesses need for the global market entry of their products.

We uphold the highest standards in both our certification, inspection, training, methods and our business practices, and maintain unquestioned integrity in the reports and certificates that we provide to you. 


All accreditations are granted to the legal entities operating within LSQA. Each accreditation has a defined scope and is site-specific. Please contact the respective accreditation body or the view our accreditations herein listed.

LSQA Middle East Accreditations Global Recognition 

The Egyptian Accreditation Council was Established by Presidential Decree No. 312 for Year 1996 to Become the Only National Body Competent in the Arab Republic of Egypt to Evaluate/Assess and Accredit Conformity Assessment Bodies, which are (Testing La … Read More

The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is a worldwide association of accreditation bodies and other bodies interested in conformity assessment in the fields of management systems, products, processes, services, personnel, validation and verification and other simil … Read More

GLOBALG.A.P. is a brand of smart farm assurance solutions developed by FoodPLUS GmbH in Cologne, Germany, with cooperation from producers, retailers, and other stakeholders from across the food industry. These solutions include a range of standards fo.  … Read More

BRCGS was founded in 1996 by retailers who wanted to harmonize food safety standards across the supply chain. Today we are globally recognized across both food and non-food categories and operate the most rigorous third party certification scheme of its type … Read More

FSSC is a global non-profit and independent scheme owner of ISO Management System based certification schemes and related development programs. FSSC 22000 offers a certification Scheme for the auditing and certification of Food Safety Management Systems… Read More

IQNET Partners worldwide certification activities include more than 360,000 valid management system certificates issued in virtually every country of the world, making IQNET network the most represented and reputable certification bodies network in the world (around … Read More


SAI Founded in 1997, Social Accountability International (SAI) is a global non-governmental organization advancing human rights at work. SAI’s vision is of decent work everywhere—sustained by an understanding  … Read More

SMETA, the world’s leading audit SMETA is the world’s most widely used audit. Businesses use SMETA to understand and make improvements to working conditions and environmental performance in their business and supply chain.  … Read More

LSQA Middle East Partners Affiliates 

LSQA is a strategic ally that puts at your disposal all the knowledge in terms of training and certification of products, processes and integration of management systems, of solid international prestige  … Read More

Halal Quality Control Office Middle East is a leading Halal Certification Body accredited duly from EIAC, ESMA, SFDA, JAKIM, BPJBH, WFHC, IMANOR etc. since 1981 providing halal certification for products, processes and services and training for … Read More

Global Reach


LSQA Middle east is the industry leader in over 37 countries. Whether your business is local or global, we can help to ensure that your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world.


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